Sign of Point on the Palm - Palmistry Reading
As per the studies of palmistry black point within the closed fist is considered fruitful because such a person does not lack wealth. And if the black point is not within the enclosed fist than the person has wealth but he can not accumulate it, he spends it as it comes to him. If there is a black point on the region of Jupiter, then that person faces many obstacles related to his/her marriage. Sometimes that person earns bad name in a love affair and social life, due to this they get hardly success in life. If you find any sign of black point on the mount of Saturn, than it indicates that the person will be notoriety in love affairs, and domestic life becomes painful, even marriage life gets many problems. Black point on the mount of Sun indicates a very ordinary life.
If a black point on the region of Mercury makes cunning and cheater, such a person suffers loss in the business.
A black point on the area of Moon indicates delay in marriage, and many accidents during marine journeys.
Sometimes if you observe a black point on the area of Venus, then you can understand that the person is lascivious and his secret organ suffers from a certain disease.
If there is a black point on the head line of any person, then it indicates serious head injury and mental diseases. Black point on the heart line makes weak-hearted. If there is a black point on the fate line of a person, then his whole life remains unfortunate.
If there is a black point on the health line makes a person weak throughout his life. A black point on the marriage line indicates obstacles in marriage.
If there is a black point on the line of mars then the person will be coward and weak hearted. Black point on the line of Moon is also not considered good as it hampers the progress.
If a black point is on the finger of Apollo, than indicates failure in the business of that person. If there is a black point on the little finger, then the person suffers loss in business and can not extend his business.
Hence many times points are not considered progressive for any person in palmistry.